Favorite Trader Joe’s Items

Favorite Trader Joe’s Items

If you now me, you know I love Trader Joe’s. These are what I’ve determined to be “The BEST of Trader Joe’s.” Although I clearly buy other products there, these are my go-to items that I will specifically go to Trader Joe’s to get or 

RX Nut Butter Hack

RX Nut Butter Hack

I bet you’ve seen that RXBAR has nut butters.  I bet you’ve even thought…ooo that looks good, and then you realize they cost $15.99 for 10 little packets! No offense RX, but that’s a little expensive. After reading the ingredients I thought to myself “I 

Southwest Chicken and Rice from Meaningful Eats

Southwest Chicken and Rice from Meaningful Eats

How many times have I mentioned that I love my Instant Pot? Because I DO. When I first got my instant pot I didn’t know what to make, so I turned to trusty Google to search for some recipes.  This recipe from Meaningful Eats was 

Backyard BBQ Meal Ideas

Backyard BBQ Meal Ideas

With Memorial Day fast approaching you’re probably either having a backyard bbq or going to one.  A bbq doesn’t have to be a reason to stress, it’s ok to enjoy yourself every now and then. There are so many options when grilling, from traditional burgers 

Protein Kodiak Cake Mug Cake

Protein Kodiak Cake Mug Cake

I’ve always loved pancakes and waffles, but I’ve always made them from scratch.  Every time I go home my mom makes homemade buttermilk waffles. I tried Kodiak cakes about year ago, and they were good, but as pancakes and waffles, they just aren’t as good 

Eating in Europe

Eating in Europe

I had some great meals while traveling.  The thing I learned is that Holland doesn’t really have its own cuisine, but it’s a mix of many. This is not a complete compilation of my meals, but an idea of what I devoured while traveling.  I 

Fit Foodie Finds – Instant Pot Protein Mac & Cheese

Fit Foodie Finds – Instant Pot Protein Mac & Cheese

If you haven’t jumped on the InstantPot bandwagon yet, you need to.  For the last couple years I kept hearing about the Instant pot, and I honestly thought it was stupid. Then, on a whim, I bought one on sale and with a gift card 

Easy Peasy Pizza Pie

Easy Peasy Pizza Pie

Who loves pizza? I do! Who doesn’t? I’m a little picky about my pizza, and I always stick to a traditional red sauce pie. I’m one of those people who thinks pineapple has no place on my slice, but you do you. We have a 

Instant Pot Yogurt

Instant Pot Yogurt

I have made yogurt EVERY. SINGLE. WEEK. since I got my Instant Pot. It’s seriously that amazing. I love making my yogurt myself, because I know exactly what is in it. It does take a decent amount of time, but it takes minimal effort.  Most 

Tropical Chia Seed Pudding

Tropical Chia Seed Pudding

Chia Seed Pudding has been all the rage lately.  You might wonder, what the heck are chia seeds? Chia seeds come from the Salvia hispanica plant, and originated in Central America. They are a great source of Omega 3-fatty acids and fiber. One serving (2 Tablespoons)