Tropical Chia Seed Pudding

Chia Seed Pudding has been all the rage lately.  You might wonder, what the heck are chia seeds? Chia seeds come from the Salvia hispanica plant, and originated in Central America. They are a great source of Omega 3-fatty acids and fiber. One serving (2 Tablespoons) has 4 grams of protein! You can add chia seeds into smoothies, salads, yogurt, and you can even make “chia seed eggs” when making vegan recipes.  When chia seeds are added to liquid they form kind of a gel around the seed.  It’s not as gross as it sounds, I promise. What does all this mean? Chia seeds are very versatile, so try them out, if you want to!

I wanted a little sweet treat, so I decided to whip up a batch of chia seed pudding.  I had some kiwi i needed to use up before they went bad, so I decided to make a tropical chia seed pudding.


  • 1/4 cup Chia seeds
  • 1 cup Coconut milk (Almond or rice milk works fine too)
  • 1 tsp molasses (Honey or agave can be used, but I have been all about molasses because it has a decent amount of potassium)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla

Mix all of the ingredients together and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.


  • Peel and slice kiwi
  • Slice mango (I use frozen mango)
  • Unsweetened coconut flakes (I bought them at a Natural Grocery store because I couldn’t find unsweetened anywhere else)


  • Find some fancy glasses and line the inside with kiwi slices
  • Layer chia seed pudding into glass
  • Top with mango chunks and coconut flakes

This staple recipe can easily be modified for whatever flavor you want by adding cocoa powder, fruit puree, or whatever else you can think of!