NuGo Nutrition Protein Bars

If you read one of my first blogs about protein bars you might remember NuGo Nutrition. If you want to go back and read about all my favorite protein bars…HERE is that post.

I’ve been eating NuGo bars since I was in college and needed snacks for those long days out on the golf course. At the time I don’t know how available they were nation wide but my mom found them at Costco outside Pittsburgh and would sometimes mail them to me at college! It’s funny to think about now, but thanks mom!

Since then they’ve come out with numerous other bars. Most recently they came out with their “Eggwhite Protein Bars.” This isn’t entirely a new concept. RxBar is an eggwhite bar and I’ve even used eggwhite protein in THIS post to make a protein peanut butter. I love the other NuGo bars, so I wanted to give these bars a try too.

All of their bars are known for using real ingredients and being less processed than others. They actually use real dark chocolate. The egg white bars are no different. They have four flavors, but I decided on the peanut butter bars and the blueberry bars. The other two flavors, chocolate, and maple pecan didn’t seem as appetizing to me.

The ingredients for these bars are:

Peanut butter- dates, egg whites, peanuts, cashews, almonds, natural flavor, sea salt

Blueberry- dates, egg whites, cashews, blueberries, almonds, sea salt, natural flavors

As you can see the ingredients are pretty minimal and all words you can read!

Now, the taste. Honestly, I knew these were arriving at my office last Friday, so I purposely waited to have my afternoon snack until they showed up at my desk. I immediately dug into the blueberry bar. If you’ve ever had RxBars you know that they are very sticky! Why do they stick to your teeth like that?!?! Anyway, these were a little “sticky” but not nearly as bad. The texture is really hard to explain. It’s almost like the bar was two separate layers that was then pressed together. Unlike RX bars these aren’t super mashed together. They crumble a little when you eat them, and they aren’t nearly as dense. Honestly, the only way I can explain them at this point is if an RxBar and a soft graham cracker had a baby. Has anyone else tried the NuGo Eggwhite bars? Some of my other NuGo favorites are the “Slim” bars and the NuGo “Dark” in the flavor Chocolate Pretzel. Mmmmm!