5 Habits to Start in 2020

Start Small

Everyone gets a little jump happy at the beginning of the year. However, jumping all in an be overwhelming. If you fail at one thing, it’s easy to give up because your’e feeling overwhelmed. So make small habits and goals for yourself. Whether your goals are to be “healthier” or pursue that dream you’ve always had, make a list of SMALL CHANGES you can make daily, weekly, or monthly that you can actually stick to.

Drink More Water

I’d say most of us aren’t getting enough water. You’ve probably heard the saying that if you’re thirsty you’re already dehydrated, I bet you’re thirsty now. Our bodies need water, and if you’re working out or traveling, you’re going to need even more. Make a goal to drink more water (remember habit number 1 and don’t start with 4 liters a day), and actually drink water! Set a reminder on your phone, or even ask a friend or coworker to remind you!

Walk More

Walking is a great low impact way to get your body moving. It’s also a great way to get away from all the screens we’re constantly staring at (computer, tv, cell phone), and give your eyes a break. Plus you can explore your neighborhood, maybe meet a few neighbors, and increase your Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT), basically burn more calories without “exercising.”

Complain Less

You have the option to be happy. You get to decide how you react to situations and people. Being more appreciative of the good things will increase your overall satisfaction with your life. Don’t get me wrong, no one is happy ALL the time, but focusing on the positives definitely helps you get through the hard times. Try writing down what you’re thankful or appreciative for each week, and leave the negativity at the door.

Clean Up Your Social Media

Unfollow people and accounts that don’t bring anything positive to your life. If people are bringing you down, mute them, or delete them. Seriously, why surround yourself with something that’s bringing you down? Bye Felicia!