Lume Deodorant Review – Update Dec 2019

I’m going to be honest here, although I’m honest with everything I post. This post is not sponsored and I bought these products with my own money. I did this whole natural deodorant review back in May of 2018. You can read all about the deodorants I tried and what I thought of them RIGHT HERE.

I still stand by everything I said in that article, so if you haven’t read it, let me preface by saying deodorant and antiperspirant are NOT THE SAME THING. Read that again. NOT THE SAME THING. The entire premise of antiperspirant is to stop (anti) you from perspiring (sweating). This is typically done by the use of aluminum in the product. I’m not here to tell you whether aluminum is bad for you or not, I’ve done my research (which is really conflicting), and I’ll let you do your own. Aluminum is also what causes those yellow stains on your white shirts, yep, it’s the aluminum, it’s not your sweat!

So back to the deodorants, they don’t necessarily stop you from sweating, because sweating is actually pretty necessary for you as a human being. However, they should stop the body odor smell associated with bacteria that mixes with your sweat and causes you to smell.

Most natural deodorants use baking soda to help eliminate the smell. This can be a problem if you have really sensitive skin, as it can cause irritation. However, I’ve also learned there are some ways to help combat that.

  • Moisturize your under arms (yeah I didn’t know you were supposed to do this until recently, either). Literally, I’m telling you to put cream on your armpits.
  • If you have a schedule that allows you to shave your underarms at night and then wait to put on deodorant until morning, that’s ideal. The point is, it can be irritating to put baking soda products on skin immediately after shaving.
  • Also, don’t use a dull crappy razor.

If you don’t have issues with baking soda, good for you, you can probably use most any products because you probably don’t have super sensitive skin.

I have sensitive skin, and so many products irritate it. So let’s get to Lume Deodorant. I tried Lume in April of 2018 for the first time, and from the first time I tried it, I loved it! (Check out THIS POST I mentioned earlier which goes into the begging of my Lume journey).

Lume Deodorant

I because a full on believer in the product, I had no issues with it. I told my friends and family to try it, and they did. Then, something changed. I don’t know if it was the formula or if it was me, but something changed. I noticed after my surgery last January, (which was about a year after I started using Lume) that my armpits kind of smelled, specifically my left one. I chalked this up to having surgery, a cast, a sling, etc. and having ZERO ability to really move my arm at all. I assumed that it was because there was no movement and airflow that the bacteria was just building and the Lume wasn’t working as well.

It seemed like it would work one day and then not another day, which was super confusing to me. I reached out to the company and they quickly responded with some idea of how to help and what to do. I ordered this Nature’s Miracle product they recommended to treat my clothes. See they have this whole about how to “prime” your clothing and your skin. Linked HERE. I figured since I’d been using only Lume for a year and these were NEW clothes, that I was pretty well primed….but I figured I’d try treating my clothes to see if it made a different. And YAY, it did! For a while….then it started happening again. It was so random I didn’t know if I’d smell find or smell terrible that day. It became so stressful I just couldn’t take it anymore. If someone is wearing deodorant they don’t want to smell at 10 AM. I contacted Lume multiple other times and they were always really responsive and helpful. But nothing seemed to completely fix the issue.

I also started noticing that other people would comment on their Instagram posts saying they were struggling with the exact same thing I was. I don’t know if they changed their formula or what, but I just needed a mental break.

I decided in November that I was going to stop using Lume (although I still use it other places because it’s great for down there, and feet and such), treat all of my clothing and then try again in January. I purchased THIS Nature’s Miracle Laundry Boost and I’ve been adding it to every load of laundry, so I can make sure, ALL of my clothing gets treated.

I do love Lume, I love what they are doing, and I really love their products. I just need them to work, and I needed a break until I could determine if they could work for me again or not.

So here’s to being transparent, yes I love their products, and I DO still recommend that people try them, especially if you have sensitive skin. However, I’m currently not using their products for the time being. Hopefully I will again someday!

For now, I’ve trying another brand that I’ll fill you in on. If you have any tried and true natural deodorants that you love that I haven’t tried yet, drop me a comment!