Grocery shopping tips

It has come to my attention that a lot of people don’t enjoy grocery shopping. I, on the other hand, do! I love looking around the store and seeing what catches my eye and what is new. When I’m in a rush though, I stick to my plan and get out as fast as possible. 

Last week we talked a little bit about what “healthy eating” is. This week let’s dive a little into how to help prepare yourself for success, starting with how you grocery shop. 

Plan your meals – Meal prep! We’ve all been told that’s how to be successful, but meal prepping also helps with knowing what you need and not purchasing stuff you already have at home. Take end inventory of your cabinets and fridge, write down the meals you plan to make for the week and all the ingredients you need for those meals, then check what you already have!

Always take a list – This goes hand in hand with planning your meals. If you have a list you’re more likely to stick with it, which means, sticking to your planned meals, and sticking to your budget. I like to use the Anylist App on my phone, because you can add items, notes, and cross them off as you shop. Plus, it’s free. 

Never shop hungry – How many times have you gone into the store hungry and come out with so much that you don’t need or even want? Then you scarf down a snack you just purchased in the car on the way home, because you’re starving. Then you realized you didn’t even really enjoy what you were eating. The problem solver, don’t go to the store when you’re hungry. Have a little snack before hand if you need it, but shopping on an empty stomach will increase the chances of grabbing stuff on a whim. 

Stick to the outside aisles – This is typically where you find the fresh produce, meats, dairy, etc. It seems to be that the farther you go into the center of the store, the more prepackaged products there are. That’s not to say that prepackaged items are bad for you, they are just fine, but I try to stick to the fresh aisles. This also helps me cut down on the amount of plastic and non-recyclable material that I take home with me! If you want to learn my top tips for being sustainable…check out THIS POST.

P.S. Disclaimer – I’m not a registered dietitian, I’ve just found these tips help me stay on track at the grocery store.