August Favorites

I’m a creature of habit, I tend to buy the same thing at the store most weeks, and I tend to use the same things over and over every month. Here are some of the things I was loving in the month of August. 

Instant Pot – I’m sure I’ve included this as a favorite before, or I’ve at least talked about how much I love it. I used it last week to meal prep, rice, beans, hard-boiled eggs, and steamed broccoli. I made all of these things separately in the Instant Pot in less than an hour total. THIS is the specific Instant Pot that I have, and it’s a great size. I use it all the time to make everything I mentioned, plus homemade yogurt, and full meals. I thought they were stupid for years, but now I’m totally on the band wagon! I have a post coming soon with some of my favorite Instant Pot recipes, so stay tuned. 

Sparkling water – I love sparkling water. I know I’m not the only one who struggles to consume enough water. I drink plain water 99% of the time, so sparkling water adds a little excitement to the hydration game. 

Library Card – I’ve been reading a ton more, and the library card is a great way to not spend a ton of money. I have a highlight in my Instagram story of the books I’ve been reading lately. If you have any recommendations, send them my way. 

Trader Joe’s Cashew Apricot Date & Nut Bites with Coconut & Citrus – I found these towards the end of the month, but ever since I found them, I’ve been loving them. They are tiny little bite sized goodness. I didn’t realize when I first bought them, but they are even all individually wrapped. It’s super easy to throw them in your purse or bag to have a quick little bite of energy. There is another flavor that is blueberry and sounds amazing, but it’s made with almonds so I didn’t buy them. 

Benefit Cosmetics Roller Lash Mascara – I love this mascara and have used it for many years. I usually use it in conjunction with another. It doesn’t add much volume to your lashes, but it does make your lashes look really long. Lately I’ve been using it on its own and remember why I love it so much!

What are some of your recent favorite items?