5 Facts of the Week – April 15th

Here are your random facts of the week. The first one was inspired by my work trip to Arizona this week.

  1. Fort Huachuca is approximately 70 miles southeast of Tucson, that’s really close to Mexico. (No there is no wall here…yet). I was expecting it to be really hot like, Yuma, Az. The cool thing is though, because of the elevation, it’s not as hot as other places in Arizona.  To give you some perspective, Yuma is approximately 140 feet above sea level, Tucson is 2,389 feet above sea level, and Fort Huachuca is 4,623 feet above sea level. In the winter temps go below freezing and in the summer there are only a few days above 100 degrees.  It’s also incredibly windy out here.
  2. If you read last weeks facts you found out that we spend 95% of our lives indoors.  People are apparently trying to make that 100% instead. Apparently Netflix subscriber numbers have increased beyond what Netflix projected.  As much as I love a good Netflix binge watching session, let’s put down the Apple TV remotes and challenge ourselves to go an entire day every week where we don’t turn on the TV and we go outside instead! Who’s with me? Netflix Numbers
  3. While eating lunch today there was a little card in a stand on the table that said tomorrow was “National High-Five” day. My coworker asked, “is there a calendar that has all of these or are they just made up?” What did I do….I looked it up when we got back. I discovered that not only is tomorrow National High-Five Day, but it is also National North Dakota Day, Amaretto Day, Garlic Day, Oklahoma City Bombing Commemoration Day, and Get to Know your Customers Day. Also in case you were curious, April 20th is National Cheddar Friday Day, National Lima Beans Respect Day, National Look Alike Day, and National Pineapple Upside Down Cake Day. Get out there and show those Lima beans some respect…or just eat some pineapple upside down cake. You can also check out the calendar here.
  4. We all have acquaintances, friends, and really good friends. How do acquaintances become friends?  Well this study done at the University of Kansas has determined that you can measure the level of your friendship based on how long you’ve known the person. Apparently it takes 50 hours to move from being just an acquaintance to being a casual friend.  It takes 90 hours to become a real friend, and 200 hours to become a close friend. You can become “friends” with someone very quickly and then realize that you really don’t have that many things in common.  There are also really good friends that you don’t see all the time that you know are always there for you when you need them. What do you think, can a friendship really be quantified by a number? Check out the article here.
  5. Apparently there has been an E. coli outbreak in 16 states due to romaine lettuce. The culprit is whole or chopped lettuce so stay away from it all. The Washington Post has an article about it here.