5 Tips to be Successful at Morning Workouts

Waking up early isn’t easy, even for someone like me who is a self proclaimed morning person. There are weeks where I wake up before my alarm and feel refreshed and ready to take on the world, and then there are days when I hear my alarm and can’t fathom getting to the gym. However, I’ve really gotten into the habit of morning workouts, and I try to stick to that unless I’m traveling and get home at midnight. I like to do my workout early, because I know it’s done and I won’t make excuses or slack off later in the day. It also frees up my evenings for other things. How do I do it? Here are my top tips to help you successfully become someone who works out in the morning.

  1. Get on track with your sleeping, and set a schedule. If you’re a parent you most likely have a schedule for your kids, and you like to stick with it. The same should be done for yourself. The more often you do something, the more it becomes a habit.
  2. If you’re someone who doesn’t wake up or hits the snooze button a lot, put it somewhere out of reach so you have to get out of bed to turn it on.
  3. Set out your gym cloths the night before (I like to plan mine for the entire week). When you do this, you’re setting the intention that you’re going to follow through with our plans. You also don’t have to think about what to wear when you are groggy in the morning and still trying to wake up. Just throw on what you have sitting out for you.
  4. Meal prep your breakfasts so you aren’t rushed. Even if you do end up rushed, you have something ready to eat that you can take with you to eat on the go or heat up when you get to work. It has really helped me stress less and still get to work on time.
  5. Stick with it. It’s not going to be easy at first. In fact, you might even hate it, but like I said the more you do something the more it becomes a habit. Don’t quit after a few days. Your body needs time to adjust to your new routine. Try it for a month!

Do you enjoy working out in the morning? I know it’s not for everyone, but these tips will help make the transition a little easier. If you’ve switched to morning workouts recently, what has been THE thing that has helped you stick with it?