July Favorites

There are some months that I sit down and try to think of my favorite things, and I draw a blank. July was one of those months, until I really thought about stuff I was using all the time. Sometimes I feel like I will probably write the same things every single month, because I’m a creature of habit. However, the more I thought about it the more I came up with a few things that I’ve really been loving this month.

So here they are:

  • My Fiesta salad bowls – They are seriously the perfect size for any type of salad. The sides come up nice and high, so I don’t have to worry about anything spilling. They are such a fun color, and they are very photogenic!

  • COTC (Corn on the Cob) – Who doesn’t love fresh corn on the cob in the summer time?! I don’t even put butter or salt on it, because it’s so delicious on it’s own. I’m lucky enough to have coworkers that bring in extra homegrown veggies from their garden and corn happens to be one of them. I had some for dinner tonight!


  • Delighted By Brownie Batter Hummus – This stuff is like crack! I put it on graham crackers, and I even spread I on my toast and added strawberries and almond slices. I tried the vanilla bean which is good, but not as good. I can’t wait to someday find the snicker doodle flavor! (yes those are Perfect Bars in my hand as well)


  • LaCroix (or any sparkling water) – 99% of the time I’m drinking water. I don’t drink pop, coffee, tea, juice, etc., so every now and then I need to spice it up a bit. I do that with sparkling water. LaCroix and Trader Joe’s are my favorite because they have a very faint flavor and aren’t super sweet.

  • Reading – this month I finally got a library card and I’ve been reading non-stop. It’s been great, especially because I’m heading towards my 4th month of no TV. I started a “books” highlight to my stories to give a super quick review of all the books I’m reading.


  • Rothy’s shoes – I know they are super expensive, but I’ve been wearing them non stop. Full review coming very soon.

Is there anything new and exciting you have been loving in the month of July? If so, leave me a note and let me know what it is.