Why I Love Morning Workouts

I didn’t initially start working out in the mornings, I actually started working out over my lunch hour. I’m incredibly lucky to have a company that provides a pretty decent gym for us to use in our building. A few of my coworkers convinced me to go workout over lunch with them. At the time I had no idea what to do, but I knew I didn’t want to run every single day. However, that’s a story for another day. Eventually I felt like I was too rushed over my lunch hour to get in my workout, shower, and get back to work. Often times lunch and learns or meetings would be scheduled either before, during, or after my lunch hour and would sometimes throw me off my schedule. Also, as some of you know I travel a lot for work and lunch hour workouts are not possible while I’m traveling for work.

It was actually before my trip to Europe in March 2017 that I started waking up earlier and getting my workouts in before work. After that trip I just kept up with it, and I’ve pretty much stuck with it. Morning workouts for me are a lot easier when traveling than trying to find time to workout in between client meetings all day and team dinners after work. There are occasions where I can’t fit in a workout, like if I have a 5 AM flight, or it can be difficult when I’m changing time zones and traveling all the time. For the most part though, I’m a 5/5:30 AM workout girl.

Some of the reasons I love working out in the morning include

  • I don’t have time to talk myself out of it. With limited time in the morning, I have to hop out of bed, change, and head to the gym in a short amount of time. I’m pretty much on autopilot and having my workout clothing set out the night before really helps with this.
  • I don’t have to worry about what the day might bring, which could derail my plans to workout later in the day. If a meeting, happy hour, headache, you name it, pops up, I’ve already done my workout for the day, so I don’t have to feel guilty about missing it.
  • It gives me more energy all day. I admit that I am a morning person, and I never nap, but I totally notice a difference when I start my day with movement. If I don’t get my workout in, I feel a little more sluggish all day long.
  • No matter when you workout, getting a good sweat on definitely helps me with stress and puts me in a better mood. Why not start your day in a better mood? 😉
  • Seeing the sunrise is my favorite part of the day. I’ve never once regretted it.

I’m not saying it will be easy to switch to morning workouts. It’s definitely not easy the first week or two to wake up extra early, but give it a try and see if you notice a difference!