Month: May 2018

Traveling Europe – Alone

Traveling Europe – Alone

“Comfort is the enemy of progress.” -P.T. Barnum As most of you know, my goal for 2018 was to get out of my comfort zone.  I also started this blog as a way to document new adventures and really because it’s not something I ever 

5 Facts of the week- April 29th

5 Facts of the week- April 29th

What’s happening this week? I had a busy week, but was able to find some interesting things happening in the world. Check them out below! When I travel the thing I most complain about are the hotel pillows and bed. Most pillows are either too 

April Favorites

April Favorites

Have you ever found something you just can’t stop using? Every now and then I find things that I love so much I continue to use them once I’m beyond the honeymoon stage. I found a few new products and some old favorites in April