5 Facts of the Week – May 20th

This week we’re talking everything from “pizza warnings” to Necco wafers, and a couple random things in between.

  1. If you live anywhere near tornado alley, you probably already know what the difference between a watch and a warning it.  However, a lot of people still don’t.  It’s the same whether it’s a tornado, severe storm, or anything else. Here’s a fun little image to help you understand the difference.
  2. Apparently the city of Berezniki, Russia has been sinking for decades. Recent drone footage has captured images of the slowly sinking town and abandoned buildings engulfed in water and wreckage. The city was built on an old potash mines, which causes the earth to be unstable. You can check out the drone footage HERE.
  3. If you get a lot of emails, like I do, you’ve probably gotten a TON of emails about companies updating their privacy policies. What’s it all about you might ask.  Well this article from NPR helps break down some of the changes that are happening because of the GDPR. Check it out HERE.
  4. This is an interesting article about “sleeping in” on the weekends. I personally can’t “sleep in.” I wake up at 5:15 every day during the week, so honestly I really prefer to keep that same schedule on the weekends.  Otherwise Sunday night rolls around and I can’t get to sleep and then have a hard time waking up Monday morning.  It works for me, but it doesn’t work for everyone. Studies have reportedly shown that a lack of sleep negatively affects your health in many ways.  You can read the full story HERE.
  5. Does anyone love Necco wafers? You know, those flat, round, chalky pieces of candy. I don’t love them, but I also don’t hate them. If you love them, you might just be in luck.  The struggling company was sold at a Federal auction. I really had no idea the history of Necco wafers and it’s actually pretty interesting! Think Civil War, World War II, Antarctica! You can find out more HERE.

    Photo from NPR